The Annual Children's Vacation Bible School ("V B S")

For one week every summer, we offer a week-long Vacation Bible School for children. For five mornings, children learn stories and lessons from the Bible. A group of dedicated adult church members leads the children through a learning adventure complete with stories, games, crafts, songs, and snacks. As you make your summer plans, won't you please think about including a week at the Reformed Church Vacation Bible School?

2017 Vacation Bible School Registration is currently CLOSED.

Monday, June 25 through Friday, June 30 — 8:45 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. Daily
Registration Deadline is June 9

The VBS staff is currently working out the details of the week-long program, but everything will be worked out in time for the start of VBS week. In fact, we plan to have the whole program worked out in to include the details in the confirmation latter that we will send back to the families that enroll in the program.

Our VBS will be held Monday, June 26 through Friday, June 30, 2017. We will begin each day at 8:45 and end each day at 11:30. On the last day of VBS, we will invite parents, families and friends to arrive at 11:15 for our closing program. At this program you can share in the stories, songs and perhaps some activities that the children have been doing throughout the week. The closing program will last approximately 30 minutes.

We ask that each child bring a donation of a bottle of juice (64 oz.) and a box of cookies or crackers, one of each for each child in your family. In addition, there is a requested donation of $25.00 per child. This helps to cover about half the cost of the T-shirt, music CD, and crafts. Scholarship assistance is available for those families that require it.

This year we are asking that VBS friends register by Friday, June 9th. We will not be accepting walk-in registrations this year. We want your child to have the best experience possible so we therefore limit the number of children in our groups. Every year we have more requests than we can accept, so please register early to secure a spot.

Parents must walk their child to the church each day, sign their child in, and let us know who will be picking the child up at the end of the morning. Only those people that we have listed on our pick-up sheet will be allowed to pick your child up at the end of the morning. Parents also must stay with their child in Case Chapel each morning until the program begins at 8:45. Parents must come up to Case Chapel at the end of the morning to pick up and sign out their child. We appreciate your cooperation in these matters, as this makes for a safer and more enjoyable experience for everyone.

Registration forms are available in the bell tower entrance to the church building. Please fill out the registration form and deposit it in the marked bin next to the forms.

We are blessed with a wonderful staff and as you know, "many hands make light work." We are always looking for volunteers to assist us during the VBS week. If you would like to work with little ones in an exciting and energy-filled setting please join our teachers, assistants and friends. Don’t let the kids have all the fun! If you are interested, please contact the Reformed Church office at (845) 452-8110, or e-mail Barbara Elder (