Fairivew Reformed Church

What Can I Expect at a Worship Service at Fairview?

"Click Here to get a look inside our sanctuary (Pictures are courtesy of Max Latimer)

As a worshipping community, our first priority is to bring praise and glory to God. We worship in a style that is traditional, yet personal and joyful. Our services consist of praising God through a mix of hymns and praise songs, prayer, fellowship, and a scripture-based teaching that applies to our lives. We have members of all ages ranging from small children to young marrrieds, families, and seniors. We all worship together knowing that we all are sinners and stand in need of the love and grace of God.

What should I wear to a service at Fairview?
Please come as you are. There is a wide range of what people wear ranging from a suit with tie down to shorts and a t-shirt. We encourage you to worship in a way that you feel comfortable and ready to praise God. We welcome all in the name of Jesus Christ!

What time does worship start?
Worship begins at 10:00 and generally ends around 11:00. We would love the opportunity to worship God together with you!

What happens after?
We have an opportunity to fellowship with each other, as well as participate in Sunday School Classes that fit our needs. For more information about the classes, see Pastor Mike or ask a member of our congregation!