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We frequently hear people say how thankful they are for our young warriors. Did you know you can send a “thank you” note to them? If you click on this link, www.LetsSayThanks.com you can pick out a thank you card and Xerox will print it and it will be sent to a soldier that is currently serving overseas . My understanding is this is free. While you can’t pick the particular soldier this is going to be sent to, it’s a great way to say “thanks”. This is particularly a great way to get your kids involved this holiday to support our troops.












The Bay Ridge United Church's latest adoption is that of Chaplain (CPT) Jerry Young serving with the HHC, 121 BSB, 4/1 AD


Hi Jim,
It's great to hear from you and be adopted by Bay Ridge United. We'll have a men's group tonight with a soldier who's from Brooklyn. Our battalion of over 1000 supports the brigade of 4000 with supplies, logistics, transportation, mechanical repair and medical needs. All is going well. Just a few weeks away from Thanksgiving, and we're working towards Christmas. My assistant, PFC Shoe, is inserting the items he receives in Ziploc bags for Soldiers. One item which would be nice is some of those flat white magnetic picture holders which display a 4x6 photo on any metal surface. I'll let him write you back with any other suggestions which come to mind. It's great to have your prayers and support.
Chaplain (CPT) Jerry Young







Chaplain Jerry Young





Please pray for our chaplains and their families.....

"The Adopt A Chaplain Program Has Unified our Church and Brings us Joy to give Service to those that Serve us." - Jim Cruickshanks, Bay Ridge United Church


God's speed and protection to our young warriors, their families, and the chaplains who walk beside them.
Ben Ferguson




Why we pray for our troops:

49% returning troops experience symptoms of combat trauma.
67% of junior enlisted marriages require counseling.
2008 Army suicide rate highest since 1980.
Marines have more suicide loses than in combat.
Veteran suicide rate is double the civilian rate.
Source: DOD








Deployed Chaplains



We focus on our chaplains because:
1. Chaplains look out for their flocks but no one looks out for the chaplain.

2. Chaplains frequently need ministry tools that are unavailable through supply or on “back order.”

3. Give troops a non threatening “cover story” to visit the chaplain.

4. They carry heavy emotional burdens from their daily ministries of counseling troops who are having problems or worrying abut their family back home.


“Please continue to pray for us. Losing another one is hard...It is almost unbearable.”

Casualties are an unpleasant reality of war. Families at home struggle to understand their loss. In the combat zone the chaplain is the focal point in helping the survivors cope with the loss of a comrade and “battle buddy.”

We at home can’t grasp the emotional toll on the chaplain but we can pray for them...God knows and understands.


Without God our week would be:
Seven days without God makes one weak


Most frequently requested items
As troops are moving into new locations in Afghanistan the supplies of basic toiletries and other comfort items are extremely limited.. some have NO PX. What are their needs?

Food: Jerky, powdered drink mixes, energy bars, trail mixes, candy (no chocolate now)

Toiletries: wet wipes, foot powder, body wash, shampoo, deodorant, toothbrushes and toothpaste non aerosol shaving cream, good disposable razors.







