About Us

First Reformed Church of Scotia is a fellowship of people, each called by God and empowered by the Holy Spirit to be disciples of Jesus Christ and instruments of his presence in the world.

We sustain our fellowship through worship and the celebration of the sacraments, through prayer, and through the encouragement of each other's spiritual growth.

Our shared task is to follow Christ in mission and ministry, in our lives, our homes, our community and our world so loved by God.

Though we are but one congregation, we are part of a larger family of congregations -- The Reformed Church in America, with nearly 1,000 congregations in the United States and Canada. The Reformed Church in America has had a continuous ministry in North America since 1628 when Dutch settlers established a Reformed congregation in New Amsterdam (now New York City). Our earlier roots are in the Protestant Reformation of the 1500s from which we get the name "Reformed." But our earliest roots are in the many generations of God's people whose faith experience, worship and wrestling with God are found in the Bible. We trust the Bible as God's living Word to us in our own time.

We invite you to worship with us. We worship in our sanctuary on Sunday mornings at 8:00 and 10:00. During the warm months, the early service is held outside on our plaza. We have Sunday School for ages 4-years-old through senior highs at 10:30, at which time they leave worship in the sanctuary for their own time of studying Christ's Way. Adults are encouraged to attend Table Talk after 10:00 worship and coffee, as well as regularly-offered mid-week times of growth and study.

How to Get Here

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