Pascack Reformed Church

65 Pascack Rd.
Park Ridge, NJ 07656

Phone: (201) 391-4066, 391-4122
Fax: (201) 505-1735

Pascack Reformed Church

"Putting God's Love in Human Hearts"


  Our Mission

 Our Members

 Our Ministries

 Our Staff

A Recent Message

An Invitation

Pascack Reformed Church is a congregation of the Reformed Church in America. For more information, click here:


Our Mission

 For over 180 years, Pascack Reformed Church's mission has been clear and direct: We respond to God's call to put God's love in human hearts.

Our origins are closely tied to the Old Stone Church in Upper Saddle River. In the days when travel was much more difficult than it is now, farmers from Pascack (then the name of an area) desired to have a worshipping congregation of their own. After many years of work to that end, and when land had been acquired, the cornerstone for the sanctuary was lain in 1812. On May 3, 1813, the sanctuary was completed and worshippers began to lift their praises to God. The Classis of Paramus organized the congregation in 1814. For the first 39 years of our history we shared a pastor with the Upper Saddle River Church. In the entire history of the congregations we have been pleased to be led by only 11 ministers of the Word. Our current pastor, the Rev. Paul G. Janssen, has been with us since the fall of 1991.

We continue to invite both inquirers and the committed to join us in the work of putting God's love in human hearts. As we say when we initiate people into the community of believers in Christ by means of Baptism, "we love because God loved us first." As you will see by browsing "Our ministries" below, we offer a variety of ways for all to participate in that mission.

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Our Members

Although we are located in Park Ridge, our members come from Westwood, Hillsdale, Washington Township, Woodcliff Lake, Montvale, Upper Saddle River, River Vale, New City (NY), and as far as West Nyack (NY).

We are a community that is graced with persons of all ages. Our oldest members are well into their '90's; our youngest, less than a year old. Our "growing edge" is the young families who are finding their way into our congregation. Here they find a church that stimulates the growth of their children in the faith. At the same time, we offer to them a way of living together that both proclaims the gospel in a contemporary voice and encourages their questions. Over the past seven years we have been privileged to welcome over 30 such young families into our congregation.

Within our congregation are carpenters, engineers, teachers, nurses, homemakers, accountants, executives, managers, office personnel, school administrators, and retired folk from all walks of life. We welcome all to share the journey of faith, no matter their race, class, or level of education.

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Our Ministries


The Carpenters are men who gather at 8:15 on Sunday morning, the second and fourth Sundays of each month, for bagels, conversation, and discussion of a book of common interest. In recent year's we've read together Leith Anderson's "Dying for Change," William Barclay's "Layman's Commentary on Romans," Richard Foster's "Celebration of Discipline," and we are currently reading our way through the parables, with an excellent guide written by one of our own members, Bill Reindel.

Morning Circle

The Morning Circle is a group of women who meet once a month on a Monday morning in the homes of members. They gather for Bible Study, fellowship, prayer, and occasional service projects that benefit the church and the communities in which we live.

Johannine Hours

New in 1998 is a group called the "Johannine Hours." This group meets for quiet and contemplative worship services in the Sanctuary on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:30. Singing with Taize and Iona choirs (recorded), reading the Scriptures, lighting candles as we offer prayers for people we love (and sometimes our enemies) and reflecting on the Spirit's leading characterize this worship.

Lenten Groups

Each year during Lent we present a series of special studies.

Book Group

Also new in 1998 is a Book Group that meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the church's Heritage Room. Sometimes we have one member of the group present his/her reading in lecture/question and answer format. More recently we have read "Angela's Ashes" together, although our communal discussion was iced out.

Youth Group

On Sunday evenings, about twice a month at 5:30 p.m., our Youth Group meets for fun and friendship. This year's theme is "Friends." Meetings alternate between action-oriented (walking the walk) and discussion-oriented (talking the talk).


Sunday School


Adult Discussion Group


Weddings and Funerals


Building Access


Outreach to the Homeless




One Great Hour of Sharing


Missionary Support


Support of Local People-Helping Programs


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Our Staff

Pastor Janssen

Wes Van Zile

Louise Silvester

Our Consistory


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